Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So last night I had to sit through another 2 boring hours of watching the bf play couples action cricket. Yup u guessed it I am not in the team which wouldn't be so bad if the girls playing were better than me but they are like tice my size and 3 times as unfit... I smoke a pack a day so I am not like the fittest person on the planet but I can run 5 steps without dying. Oh and I don't jump and scream when a ball comes within veiw. The next game is on friday so Tazz has agreed to come with for moral support so in other words we are going to get pissed at the bar and make jokes about the dykes around there...

I did however get some consollation when their team lost by 130 runs... LOL!!! But hey what am I ment to do be happy about the situation. I mean Tazz wouldn't even support him if she was dating him. But I am not her I will just use it as ammo the next time I want something. We had drinks afterwards which was kinda cool...

Well I will let you know how it all turns out....